November is half-way over, and we have already experienced cold temperatures and frost here in North Georgia. Southern Landscape Supply wants to remind you that while sod goes dormant during the late fall and winter months, your yard still needs a little TLC to ensure that it is healthy and happy come spring.
Here are a few tips for caring for your sod throughout cold weather:
Aerate – Aeration allows air, water, and nutrients to reach the root level of sod. All root systems need nutrients, water, and air – but these are often difficult to penetrate through hard soil during cold months. Aeration breaks up small pockets of soil all over the yard to allow these vital components to benefit your sod.
Fertilize – Sod becomes somewhat, but not completely, dormant in the winter here in North Georgia. It is essential that you fertilize your yard before it enters the semi-dormancy stage. Fertilizing your sod before dormancy allows your yard to absorb much-needed nutrients that it will not receive throughout the cold weather months.
Clear Snow Off Sod – While we do not always receive snow during the winter months here in Georgia, we do occasionally get blessed with a beautiful white covering. Snow typically lasts only a few days due to our temperate climate, but shaded areas can stay covered in snow for some time. You will want to clear snow off sod that lasts for more than a few days. Sod needs oxygen all the time, and snow can smother and kill the grass underneath if it remains for longer than a week.
Stay Off the Frozen Ground – When temperatures drop for days at a time, the ground can become frozen. It is important to limit foot traffic during this time because it can damage the soil by compacting it. This compaction causes the roots of soil to work extra hard to absorb the nutrients it needs.
For a superb yard come spring, care for it well throughout cold weather!