With all the rain we have been experiencing in Georgia lately, many people are finding that they have more water than they know what to do with. They are experiencing standing water in their yards and along their home’s foundations that has never been there before. If you are looking for a solution to funnel stormwater that is both functional and beautiful, a French drain may be your ideal solution. A French drain is nothing more than a ditch in the ground inset with a pipe under a layer of gravel. However, many people create a beautiful landscape focal point with a French drain, and at Southern Landscape Supply we have the materials you need to get the project done.
French drains manage water at ground level. Georgia’s infamous red clay has been put to the test in the last couple of months. Red clay is not very absorbent, and many people are finding that their yards are fully saturated and that they have pools of water on their property. A French drain is designed to reroute standing water away from areas where you do not want it. Many people install a French drain at their home’s foundation to prevent water from pressing against the foundation walls and leaking inside. Others install a French drain at a low spot on their property to reroute water to another area.
When it comes to any home improvement project, it is always nice when something functional can also be beautiful. While some people install a French drain with an underground pipe and gravel and then bury it below grass, many people take this project to the next level. Creating an attractive façade with a French drain is an ideal landscape project. Once the French drain is installed, you have the opportunity to set it off with edging stones and fill in the drain with attractive stones to create a beautiful focal point. This allows the French drain to function properly while also adding a layer of beauty to your yard.
Contact Southern Landscape Supply for the best products at a fair price.