September in Georgia does not mean that temperatures are cooling down anytime soon. With highs still reaching into the upper 80s and lower 90s, your grass has taken a hot beating all summer long. Looking out your window, you may wonder why your neighbor’s yard is green and luscious while yours is brown and brittle. Here are a few tips and tricks for helping to keep your grass alive in extreme heat.
- Do not cut your grass too short. This is one of the most common mistakes people make when mowing their lawns. If a lawn is cut too short, it reduces the grass’s ability to generate enough energy for growth. Short blades of grass can expose the roots to extreme heat, causing them to become damaged and parched during Georgia’s long, hot summers. It is important to keep in mind that the variety of grass that you have in your hard will directly relate to how high or low you should cut it. A little research on your type of grass will help you determine what cutting height is right for your lawn.
- Keep in mind the One-Third Rule. The One-Third rule is simply this: never remove more than one-third of the grass height at one time. By not removing too much from the blades of grass, they are easily able to carry on growth production and recover between cuttings. The less plant tissue that is removed, the cooler your lawn will be kept. A lawn with cool season grass will actually benefit in the extreme heat of summer by simply setting the blade of your mower higher.
- Keep mower blades sharp! Every time you cut your grass, you are damaging the blades. When you use a mower with sharp blades, your grass will heal faster than when it is cut with dull blades. Dull blades can actually tear the blades, causing a brown appearance in your yard.
- Limit Watering Your Yard. One huge misconception of “beating the heat” is to water, water, water your lawn to keep it green. As a general rule, it is better to keep your lawn on the dry side rather than keeping it wet. When soil is kept consistently moist, mold and mildew are likely to develop. When the grass roots are covered with these organisms, they will be deprived of oxygen and become more susceptible to disease. Remember this: the drier the grass and soil, the less likely there will be for a chance of disease to thrive.
Southern Landscape Supply is here for all of your lawn needs. Whether you are looking to completely redesign your landscape, or you are looking for expert solutions to keep your yard beautiful – we are your trusted source. Contact us today!