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Winter Landscape Maintenance

When it comes to wintertime in Georgia, there is just nothing like it. As seen already in the year 2020, we can go from a rainy 70 degrees on a Friday afternoon, to waking up to clear skies and a bitter 21 degrees the following Tuesday morning. With such drastic changes, it is often a

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Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Creating a beautiful outdoor living space is not limited to those who have green thumbs and full weekends that are dedicated to pruning and playing in the dirt. Many people have chosen to make their homes in suburban areas with smaller yards, yet they still want to create an appealing atmosphere outside their homes. Understanding

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Cold Weather Sod Care

November is half-way over, and we have already experienced cold temperatures and frost here in North Georgia. Southern Landscape Supply wants to remind you that while sod goes dormant during the late fall and winter months, your yard still needs a little TLC to ensure that it is healthy and happy come spring. Here are

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Keep Your Grass Alive in Extreme Heat

September in Georgia does not mean that temperatures are cooling down anytime soon. With highs still reaching into the upper 80s and lower 90s, your grass has taken a hot beating all summer long. Looking out your window, you may wonder why your neighbor’s yard is green and luscious while yours is brown and brittle.

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Helping Your Sod Survive

This summer is Georgia has been characteristic of all other Georgia summers, HOT! While July hosts the highest average temperature for Atlanta, August’s average temperatures are only one degree less than July’s. In addition, August typically has less rain than the other summer months. With these high temperatures and low precipitation in August, it can

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All You Need For Your Trellis

Summer is a great time to have a trellis added to your home or business. A trellis offers you an architectural structure that adds both interest and beauty at the same time. It is made from interwoven or intersecting pieces of wood, bamboo or metal. This grid-like pattern is meant to support and display climbing

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