As the year draws to a close, many Atlanta residents are eagerly anticipating the holiday period. The chance to reconnect with friends and family in a cozy and festive atmosphere is the ideal antidote to the winter blues.
However, dropping temperatures and other weather conditions put your carefully cultivated yard at risk. Frost damage can affect even the hardiest plants, though delicate specimens and fruit and vegetables are most at risk. You will observe brown or black spotting or scorching on leaves, and fruit trees may fail to bloom or produce crop in the New Year. Heavy ground frost can even damage your lawn.
Act Quickly to Reduce the Risk of Frost Damage
It is impossible to predict the weather with complete accuracy, so it is important for the attentive gardener to be prepared should temperatures drop suddenly. Frost blankets are ideal for protecting long beds. They allow light and moisture to reach your greenery but will provide protection for mild to moderate frost.
For individual plants, translucent cloches will act like a miniature greenhouse over winter. Adding an extra layer of mulch protects your plants from the ground up. Providing much-needed insulation, mulch traps moisture and heat underground while also allowing warmth to radiate to plants above.
The best defense against frost should be done prior to the onset of winter. When planting, mix a large amount of quality compost into your soil. Not only will this give your plants a nutrient rich environment, good soil conditions will retain additional warmth.
Composting will allow for better drainage, preventing your land from becoming waterlogged and sodden. Take advantage of the natural topography of your property to plant with cold weather in mind. Delicate flowers and shrubs should be placed in elevated areas to take advantage of rising hot air. Windbreakers in the form of trees, walls, rock formations and hardscaping can defend your garden space from bitter gales.
Get Landscaping Supplies Delivered Direct to Your Door
At Southern Landscaping Supply, we understand that the holiday period is an incredibly busy time. With events to attend, family to host and holiday gifts to buy, you may not have time to collect everything your yard needs for winter. Let us take the stress out of your cold preparations, with delivery services. Call today to place an order.